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US & Japan Warehouse 【Status Update】

2020-02-17 17:30:07

Dear Shipbaoers: 

ShipBao always try best to provide the best logistic solution 
to our customers
in order to delivery your parcels directly to your destination
However the flight capacity is seriously overloaded
and we foresee that it will not be solved in near future
Here's the update : 

US West Coast Oregon Warehouse
> air freight seriouly conjested
> may delay around 15 days

US East Coast New York & Delaware Warehouse
> still can be delivered by AIR but will be conjested very soon
> delay will be shorter than that of West Coast

Japan Tokyo & Osaka Warehouse
> warehouse seriously overloaded
> parcels arrived warehouse between 28 Jan - 5 Feb 2020,
will be updated around 20 Feb 2020

ShipBao is still trying hard to fight for the air freight until last moment
If the situation persists, ShipBao may consider to deliver by SEA
Please pay attention on our tiime to time update
Shipbao Ltd.


中國銀行 - 銀行轉數賬戶充值暫停
2024-10-14 16:55:53

因技術問題, 中國銀行之銀行轉數賬戶充值暫停, 直至另行通知. 不便之處, 懇請見諒.

2024-10-14 14:51:19

最近多國倉庫均發現有轉運壓縮噴霧商品,並導致退貨、扣關、時效延誤及罰款等情況。 重申壓縮噴霧商品乃易燃及易爆品,一律禁止空運,會員請勿購買或轉運上述貨物到港。 任何受管制貨物及違禁品一經發現,一律當棄件處理。如經有關海關查獲遭到沒收或有產生罰款,恕Shipbao一律不會賠償損失,該會員也必須自行承擔全額罰款。 個別國家/地區的違禁品定義或有所不同,如不確定是否可運, 請瀏覽 【一般禁運物品】https://www.shipbao.com/information/embargo 或先聯絡客服查詢。 感謝大家的配合 !

2024-10-12 22:29:23

Shipbao轉運客戶單筆訂單滿8,000円 即可享500円購物優惠 優惠券使用期間 :   2024年10月14日00:00至10月17日23:59 (日本時間) (每位樂天用戶可使用2次) 領券連結(限量1,500張) :  https://b.link/SBRTCoupon202410B 詳情請瀏覽【樂天優惠活動】  https://www.shipbao.com/information/rakuten

2024-09-26 14:56:59

Shipbao轉運客戶單筆訂單滿8,000円 即可享500円購物優惠 優惠券使用期間 :   2024年10月4日00:00至10月9日23:59 (日本時間) (每位樂天用戶可使用2次) 領券連結(限量1,500張) :  https://b.link/SBRTCoupon202410A 詳情請瀏覽【樂天優惠活動】  https://www.shipbao.com/information/rakuten